Absurdism Extentialism Nihilism
- I know that there is no objective meaning outside the illusions we (humans) as a society created.
- As humans, we have freedom to create our own meaning to live.
- make something what it is
- a defined purpose
- a meaning to life
- an essence, necessary for anything to exist
- Constant tension between the hunger for meaning and impossibility of satisfying this drive in a meaningless world.
- Stare in this meaninglessness and show middle finger.
- A fuck you to nihilism.
- Camus says we have three options to face the absurd:
- Suicide: kill yourself ffs
- Philosophical suicide: believe in some meaning (like religion, Marxism) without killing yourself, swallow a pill of bullshit basically
- Acceptance: rebel, reject hope, embrace nothingness, don’t make happiness a distant goal, spend time with yourself, be flexible, live with passion, you are giving away your freedom while you think of suicide, and choose love ….